Industry produce We live in a system

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Industry produce We live in a system

Post by azizulseobde »

One of thosestrategies is blaming someone else for the climate problem. Saying that another party has the first move is a form of cognitive dissonance. There are many people who blame everything on the government but there are people who we have appointed ourselves. And for whom does the that allows and even rewards us to consume a lot. Can you expect people to reduce themselves The problem with cutting back is that people have to swim against the current.percent of people read what is right and wrong from what their fellow man is doing. It is obvious that stealing is wrong because hardly anyone does it. When it comes to environmentally friendly behavior such as vegetarian or vegan eating you suddenly go against what is normal.

You then have to have a strong moral compass in order not to derive your own standard what is right and wrong from the standard in the sense of what others do. You cannot solve the climate problem by hoping that companies or consumers will change on their own. Ultimately it Austria Phone Number List must come from the government which intervenes and coordinates for example through an eco-tax or through commandments this is allowed and this is not. Brussels banned the light bulb in . Done with it. That worked. Now we have energy-saving and LED lamps. The government must now also say we have good minced meat substitutes so no more minced meat on the shelf.


Just finished. Moreover by setting rules the government can remove peoples moral considerations. You dont have to wonder whether every choice is right or wrong. When flying becomes three times as expensive I only think about whether the trip is worth the money. So luxury goods should be taxed more heavily Protest against climate change Adrian Balasoiu via Unsplash free domainOh yes definitely. The government must make everything that is climate-unfriendly more expensive. The only bright spot in that terrible war in Ukraine is that we now have energy prices that we needed much earlier for climate policy. You can now see that society is moving and is becoming economical with energy.
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