Less Likely To Be Loyal To A Brand And More Likely

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Less Likely To Be Loyal To A Brand And More Likely

Post by JonY50# »

You can analyze engagement metrics, traffic sources, and metrics related to different marketing channels. How to benchmark with Similarweb. Find Your Top Performing Keywords To find your target keywords, we always recommend sticking to what you know: your SEO strategy. Although your SEO keywords and PPC keywords may be different, they can and should inform each other. Think about the keywords that bring you organic traffic, imagine what they could do if you put a little money behind them, and it works. Once you have listed your top performing keywords, you should analyze them for organic and paid results.

You should see which sites are targeting these keywords, their Sri Lanka Mobile Number List search volume, and the amount of traffic they are responsible for. Note that PCC and SEO keywords should inform each other, but should not be the same. Pro tip: Similar web's keyword analysis tool can help you identify your top performing keywords and analyze the competition for each. You'll find out who gets traffic from each keyword, which ones are trending, and which ones are right for your PPC strategy Keyword overview. Finding Long Tail Keywords Now that you know your top performing keywords, you need to develop a successful strategy around them. But you don't want to bid high just for your popular keywords. This can result in extremely high CPCs and extremely low return on ad spend ROAS.


Instead, you want to find more targeted (and less expensive) keywords that are related to your popular keywords and are likely to drive relevant traffic. These are known as long tail keywords. Long-tail keywords are more specific keywords that may have lower search volume and therefore less competition. You'll spend less money on clicks, while getting more targeted traffic to potential customers. For example, let's say you find that one of your top-performing keywords is 'bicycles. There are potentially thousands of websites targeting this keyword, which means high competition and high CPCs. Instead of focusing your strategy on "bikes," aim for "safe kids bikes" or "kids mountain bikes. Pro tip Similarweb can help you find long-tail keywords related to your top keywords.
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