Commented on Last Year's Core Algorithm 1000 Mobile Phone Numbers

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Commented on Last Year's Core Algorithm 1000 Mobile Phone Numbers

Post by Shahahdot77 »

Which you want to create a quality score, such as an informative article on 1000 Mobile Phone Numbers a health topic. (this is a type of "Your money or your life" page, or "Ymyl" page, as explained in the qrg.) google might be picking up signals they've already mentioned that they can measure, including: amount of content, layout, number of ads and ad placement on the page (are they above the fold or interstitial - do they obscure or interfere with access to the main content of the page), notices on the site, notices and links about the content creator if they differ from the site, links from the page (perhaps indicating the by testing a number of similar page types, google 1000 Mobile Phone Numbers could have developed a pattern – a pattern – of combining quality.

Signals and developing an associated score value. Basically, when an article page on a 1000 Mobile Phone Numbers health topic has a certain range of criteria signals such as pagerank, plus content layout and similar type amount, plus some inlink pagerank, plus ctr , plus user reviews - then google could apply the calculated quality score to the page without anyone manually 1000 Mobile Phone Numbers reviewing it. It seems likely that google has developed some of these templates for many different types of pages.The reason for thinking that google might incorporate machine learning into this sequence is that.


It might come up with quality scoring relationships in the data that aren't simple flips 1000 Mobile Phone Numbers that they manually set with different weights. Instead of clumsily defining a weight for a particular signal (e.G. Saying that a health article of a certain quality level should have a minimum pagerank of x and a minimum number of links, etc.), with l machine learning, the 1000 Mobile Phone Numbers system could identify more complex relationships (like, assign a certain quality score if pagerank is n to nn, ctr is x to xx, associated with a specific layout type).The patent describes this possibility:“in some implementations, the model can be derived from website signals and website quality ratings using a machine learning subsystem t
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